Coppertop Coffee and Donuts

I loved shooting with Hillcrest coffee shop, Copper Top Coffee+Donuts. I had a lot of fun with the staff and it was a good challenge shooting the products. Here are a few of my favorites.

The Graduate

My youngest brother, Jacob, graduated from Westview High School. He is off to the University of Reno next year and I couldn’t be more excited for him!

My Photo at the San Diego County Fair

My photograph of Daniel Cole was accepted into the San Diego County Fair! Apparently only 1/3 of the entries make it into the fair, where thousands of people attend every year and can potentially see my work! Very exciting!

Downtown Las Vegas

Hotel Room

In Las Vegas, I shared a room with my muses Samantha and Caitlin. We were going to take an afternoon nap, but the natural light was so good that we decided to do a photo shoot instead!

New Yorkers in Joshua Tree

Ben, Sonia, and I got an Air BnB in Joshua Tree, California. It was the first time either of them spent time in the desert and they really loved it! I was glad I was able to spend some quality times with good friends.

New Yorkers Visit San Diego

My good friends from New York City, Ben and Sonia, visit San Diego. Teresa and I show them around Sunset Cliffs!

Photo Shoot with Lefties

The San Diego based rock band, Lefites, were too much fun to work with. I loved their energy and eagerness to collaborate. Check them out!

Photo Shoot with Sights and Sages

Earlier this year I shot with the San Diego band Sights and Sages. We explored an old building in Downtown, taking a few shots on the roof and an empty floor. They are solid human beings and talented artists and I am glad I got to work with them.

Lefties at Lestats

Every Lefties show is nuts! Here they are shreddin at Lestats in Normal Heights

Cover of Grim Streaker's NO VISION LP

I am very excited to share that a photograph I took of Grim Streaker is now part of the album cover to their LP, NO VISION !

Below is the cover and to the right is the original photo. I’m honored to have been apart of this magic! Stream NO VISION here

Catching the Butterfly

Jade Maria Photography set up a styled wedding shoot with our friends Blake and Melissa and I had the chance to take a few photos as well. These two are not only gorgeous looking people, but they are also very kind and beautiful souls and it was such a treat shooting them in a desert setting.

The whole afternoon felt like a wonderful dream. I couldn’t get over how the big, open sky mirrored the vast, empty lake bed. The desert is a really magical place and I hope to shoot out there again soon!

When looking at the photos, listen to ‘Catching the Butterly’ by The Verve. It’s the most perfect soundtrack.

Catching The Butterfly, a song by The Verve on Spotify

Behind-the-Scenes with Jade Maria Photography

Jade Maria, a crazy talented wedding and engagement photographer, invited me on a styled shoot she set up with our friends Blake, Melissa, and Jaymee.

The location was in an empty lake bed in the Anza Borrego Desert, about an hour and half from San Diego. With the gorgeous scenery and being able to see how another photographer works, the day was just really inspiring. Go check out Jade Maria Photography!

Sights and Sages, Well Well Well, and Downers at The Casbah

Tuesday night March 12th I got to shoot Sights and Sages, Well Well Well, and Downers, some really cool local bands. I was really into messy, chaotic light trails this night and I love how perfectly unperfect the images came out. Check out these bands theyyyyy riiiiiiipppp!!!


Well, Well, Well

Sights and Sages

Stuyedeyed Came to San Diego with Ron Gallo and Post Animal

The old homies from Brooklyn, Stuyedeyed, came through San Diego on their tour with Ron Gallo and Post Animal. I shot Stuyedeyed so many times in Brooklyn and it always feels good to shoot them outside of New York City.

Ron Gallo was fucking sick he’s still one of my favorites right now and I’m glad I finally got to see Post Animal!


Post Animal

Ron Gallo

Buddha Trixie and 3LH at Squibfest

A million bands played at Squibfest, a mini festival held at Queen Bee’s in North Park, but I only shot two of them. The first one, Orange County’s 3LH, I had heard about from the photographs of music photographer Michael Haight. HIs images were dope so I wanted to check them out. The second band, Buddha Trixie, are the old homies and brought me to the festival. Both bands were fucking WILD


Buddha Trixie

Aviator Stash, Mdrn Hstry, and Coral Bells at Music Box

Entering a new scene of San Diego bands with Aviator Stash, Mdrn Hstry, and Coral Bells. Also my first time shooting at Music Box. It was a good night!

Coral Bells

Mdrn Hstry

Aviator Stash

Empty Room

My roommates moved out and their room was empty for a weeks. I saw this as an opporunity to shoot! I invited my friend Melissa to come over and take pictures. Since she’s Brazilian, I was playing Samba and Cumbia the whole time. What a muse!

Magalenha, a song by Sérgio Mendes on Spotify


Chasing light and reflections with Reyah